Friday, July 27, 2007
Im sure if you ask some of your friends, at least one of them is bound to have heard of, if not use, Lucas' Papaw ointment. However, this page offers some opinions shared by users of the ointment on various discussion forums on the internet. Links to these discussions are provided within the testimonial.
I live by lucas paw paw ointment.
ive tried everything from chanel, to kiehls, aesop and blistex.
Lucas is the best!
Source Thread:
Meaghan O
This is ALWAYS in my bag - can't leave home without it.
I use it predominantly on my lips but have found its great when I have failed not to pick at a pimple. I just dab this on it and then pimple clears right up.
Also over summer I had a nasty accident involving a rose bush - needless to say this product came in handy in clearing the scratches up!
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More testimonials can be viewed at the Lovemarks page for the ointment.